
Letter to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Further to reading the Appeal Decision, I have written to the Secretary of State for Levelling UP, The Rt. Hon. Michael Gove and copied in the Minister of State for Housing and Planning with my concerns in relation to the approval of this planning application.  The Letter is attached below.

MP View: Vote on Thursday and have your say your community

It’s a big week! For the first time in 70 years in we have a coronation. As ever, we in Britain do these things rather well. It is expected that the economic benefit to the UK will surpass £3 billion in coronation related activities – mainly street parties and drinking.

MP View: Public sector pay and the spectacle of strikes

The spectacle of strikes is becoming more and more frequent. Having thought the nurses strikes had come to end with the RCN accepting the government’s offer, a second vote, from a different union, has rejected the offer. More strikes for nurses. Teachers, university lecturers, junior doctors.