Mark presents the first reading of his new Private Members Bill 21st October 2024 New Parliament, provides a new opportunity to reintroduce my Private Member's Bill to protect consumers from rogue builders - It’s time we removed the risk to... Speeches in Parliament
Agriculture Bill - Upholding Food Safety and Animal Welfare 13th May 2020 This Government is committed to upholding our high environmental, food safety and animal welfare standards now that we have left the European Union. We will... Speeches in Parliament
Westminster Hall Debate on Lea Castle Farm Quarry 17th March 2020 This morning in Parliament I held a Westminster Hall debate on the Lea Castle Farm Quarry Application. I attach a video of my speech and I am grateful for the... Speeches in Parliament
Westminster Hall Debate on Foreign Investment into the UK 15th September 2017 As a Minister in the Department for International Trade I had the opportunity to speak in a Westminster Hall Debate this week on Foreign Investment into the UK... Speeches in Parliament